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What commercial business is profitable? .. according to I, a business that is culinary and lodging business and I will build a commercial business like culinary and hotel business and all I will name it with PT. FAJAR SEJAHTERAH. Why do I choose to build a culinary business and hotel? .. my reason is because culinary or restaurant is a business that is very liked by the people of Indonesia will be a culinary hobby, what restaurant will I wake up? .. possibly a typical indonesian food restaurant or japanese food , where the restaurant will I build? .. I will build a restaurant in some mall and strategic recreation place. While in the hotel business my reason is because the indonesian hobby community streets to the tourist attractions of the hotel is needed by tourists dosmetik and I will wake up in some places that many recreation like bandung, yogyakarta, and bali. What if the business does not grow or does not fit? .. if so the name of business or business will still...

Bisnis Non Komersial

Understanding Non Commercial business commonly referred to as Social Business or Business Services Society. This public service advertisement is not intended to offer goods and services. Usually this ad is aimed at achieving better living conditions. How do we run the non-commercial business: 1. Background of the social services is what is needed, for example: Help for homeless, homeless child, disaster relief, 2. Objectives should clearly create social ads with a clear theme, for example: Blood Donors for Blood Banks, fundraising for victims of natural disasters. Commercial business in its formation requires the funds usually from the sponsor of the Company, the Government, Individuals who take part in such social activities. So for the non-commercial business or social activities that I am interested in running is a non-commercial business engaged in social activities in the form of fundraising for education or non-formal education courses for poor children, homeless,...


What Business I like ?. Business do I want or like: if I have USD 100,000,000 I will build an international Islamic school, build a 4 Star Hotel and buy a 35% stake in state-owned Telecommunication Company. Businesses to build schools and hotels will be built in a few strategic big cities as they aim for easy access both on-the-go and accessible public transport. Why do I want these three businesses, why I love the 3 businesses are: 1. The reason why I want to build an international school of Islam is I want to provide a quality education in science and religious for my school-going students and then I will give free school programs for children from poor families, orphans from the local environment from elementary school to high school. 2. The reason why I want to build a 4 Star Hotel is because the promising and profitable business property is the Hotel business, the Mall is a rental business. In this business for the people around me will contribute to the l...

Audit S.I tentang pembobolan uang pada mesin ATM, Uang Virtual (Cryotocurrency), dan E-Banking

Sistem Informasi Teknologi telah mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari, kita tidak bisa lepas dalam teknologi berbasis komputer atau TI salah satunya dalam dunia perbankan TI sangat membantu pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan perbankan baik itu dalam pembukuan akuntansi, uang digital, transfer dan terima uang dalam satu sentuhan, mesin atm, kartu kredit dan lain-lain, pada artikel ini akan membahas bagaimana solusi dalam pencegahan pembobolan di dunia perbankan diantaranya : 1. Solusi untuk Audit S.I tentang pembobolan uang pada mesin ATM. 2. Solusi untuk Audit S.I tentang pembobolan uang pada uang virtual (cryotocurrency) 3. Solusi untuk Audit S.I tentang pembobolan uang pada E-Banking (rekening online). 1.         PEMBOBOLAN UANG PADA MESIN ATM Teknologi terus berkembang disegala bidang salah satunya adalah perbankan yang kita kenal dengan Mesin ATM, sebelum saya membahas bagaimana cara kerja pada mesin atm, saya akan membahas apa itu Mesin A...